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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/09/2014
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting (2nd Thursdays at 7 pm)
Minutes of Meeting January 9 2014
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office – Public Invited!

Members Present:  Robert Mann,   Zack Boyajian, Frank Harrison, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Steve Stock, Gordon Jones
Alternates:     Marianne Hromis 

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:06 pm

Minutes of the meetings on 11/14/13 and 12/12/13 approved.


•       Wetlands Impact approval letter Map 1, Lot 26 shared by Dan Lamey [file # 2013-03352]
•       Beneficiary Information Request for the Estate of Shirley Anne Waters.

a.      Public Outreach:  Draft Report for Town Meeting was sent out to all members for review.
b.      Land Conservation: Team is keeping an eye on (Map 4, Lot 15 – [6.93 acres]) on Main Street.  The commission has pursued other conservation land prospects with proximity to Main St. (Map 5, Lot 105 – [30 acres] and Map 4, Lot 2 – [7.1 acres]).  There has been no word from property owners on these prospects for purchase or easement.  Zack has sent a letter to the owner of Map 5, Lot 94 to discuss public trail access on private property between Carpenter Park and the School Lot. The Town Selectmen are soliciting requests for annual productive use of Shaw Fields property.
c.      Spaulding Town Forest: Contract is complete with Jamison Logging Company.  Charles Moreno (Town Forester) has completed his contracted services for this forest management project.  The final work meets the agreed expectations by the conservation committee.  Mr. Moreno requested a 30% increase of the original contracted fee.  The team voted (1 NO, 6 YES votes) to amend the contract and grant the additional charges for the Spaulding Lot services conducted by Mr. Moreno.  He invested (and carefully catalogued) 38 extra hours managing the site over the past year to properly mark the trees for logging, mark boundaries, set up bidding, and inspect the active logging activities to ensure high quality results.

Spaulding Lot Financial Summary:
Total Timber Harvest Revenue:                                   $  33,607
Forester Service Fee (taken from timber harvest):               $ -10,716
Remainder for Deposit into Forest Management Fund       $  22,891

Blaze Konefal and Steve Stock will blaze the boundaries of the Spaulding Lot, with special attention to the town access zone.
d.      Carpenter Park: Zach Boyajian (Parks and Rec Chair) has reported that progress on park planning continues.  The State grant for the next major phase has been accepted and details are being determined for a 2014 work project schedule.
e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area:  Low-impact draft horse logging is planned for late January to early February 2014.  Charles Moreno (town forester) has marked the trees for logging.  Mr. Moreno’s fee of $157.50  to be paid out of operating budget (unanimous vote).  The logging contract will be a barter agreement (timber for clearing services).  It was voted unanimously for Bob Mann to finalize agreement as the representative for the town conservation commission.
f.      Easement Stewardship:  Stewardship includes walking inspection of all conservation easements and town properties.  This effort begins annually each spring and includes the production of an annual report to the State.
g.      Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.  Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison

Chichester Conservation Commission